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'Henry VIII on Tour’

Schools tudor festival

Booking Request Form

Form guidelines

Complete this form to request a booking for your school to visit the 'Henry VIII on Tour' Schools Tudor Festival at Hampton Court Palace.  

The group you intend on bringing must be Key stages 2, 3 or from a Special school.  

Before filling in this form: 

  • Consider the date on which you wish to visit (Mon 23 to Fri 27 June 2025). 
  • Consider the time slot you wish to book (either morning: 10.15am - 12.00pm or afternoon: 12.15pm - 2.00pm)* 

If you have questions before submitting this request form, please contact the team at [email protected].

*Your booking will include access to the Palace and gardens both before and after your festival time slot.  

Contact details

Is your school part of an Academy Trust? *
Do you have a purchase order number you would like us to add to your invoice? *

Group details

Do you have any pupils/students who require 1:1 SEND support? *

Request date of visit

The Schools Tudor Festival will take place at Hampton Court Palace from Monday 23 to Friday 27 June 2025

Travel Subsidy

The section below is for those schools who wish to apply for funding for their travel to and from Hampton Court Palace on the day of their festival booking. If you do not wish to apply for this or do not meet the eligibility criteria, please go to the bottom of this page to submit your booking request.


To be eligible for travel funding to the festival, your school must be a state funded Primary, Secondary or Special school.

Applications from schools who have both of the following characteristics will be prioritised:

- at least 30% of students eligible for Pupil Premium; *

- at least 15% of students with special educational needs*

*Special schools do not need to adhere to these criteria

To find out how much travel funding your school may be eligible for, please see our funding map.

Would you like to apply for the travel subsidy? Please ensure your group meets the eligibility criteria before applying.

Applying for Travel Funding

Please fill in the fields below to help us allocate travel funding.

Allocating Travel Funding

Assuming applications meet the eligibility criteria, travel funding will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Receiving your travel funding

It will be the successful school’s responsibility to invoice us for their allocated funds. We will be able to process your invoices from Friday 9 May 2025 till the end of the 24/25 academic year (6 weeks before and after the festival dates).

Turnaround time for payment, once all paperwork has been received and submitted is approximately 2 weeks. Full instructions will be given once a booking has been made. Agreed travel amounts may change if the total number of pupils attending the festival is significantly different to the amount booked and applied for. Special schools in London are eligible for Band 2 funding.

Terms and Conditions

Please ensure you have read our terms and conditions. For information on how we collect and manage your data see our customer promise and privacy policy.

By submitting this booking form, you are making a request for a booking to be made for your group. The visit should only be considered confirmed when a booking confirmation email and invoice is sent to you. This can take up to 10 days so please allow this time before contacting the team to check on progress. We work through requests in the date order they are received, and our response time will vary depending on how busy we are.

We may combine (non-personal) data about your school with information from the government's school census to understand more about the demographic profile of the schools visiting us. This helps us to develop our schools service to reach a wide range of schools.