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Submit your photo

Life Through a Royal Lens at Hillsborough Castle and Gardens

Life Through a Royal Lens at Hillsborough Castle and Gardens

Photo submissions are now closed.

Historic Royal Palaces' exhibition Life Through a Royal Lens will open at Hillsborough Castle on 1 June 2023, bringing together some of the most iconic royal photographs ever taken alongside a host of images providing a glimpse of the Royal Family off-duty. Visitors will see the images they know alongside lesser known more informal images, exploring the Royal Family’s enduring relationship with the camera from the 19th century to the present day.

Many official royal engagements include a moment in which onlookers gathered for the occasion can see and take pictures of the Royal Family. Now curators from Historic Royal Palaces, the independent charity that cares for Hillsborough Castle and Gardens, are asking the public to help complete the display with their own photographs.

Share your visual memories

We are inviting you to share your own visual memories of royal engagements in Northern Ireland, including what it’s like to be part of a famous 'royal walkabout', by submitting images for consideration using the form below. Up to 20 photos will then be selected to join the exhibition.

A revolving digital display will see the publicly contributed images on show alongside work by renowned photographers such as Cecil Beaton, Rankin and Annie Leibovitz.

Closing date for submissions is 21 April 2023 and you will be contacted directly if your photo is selected to join the display. Full terms and conditions are below.

Terms and Conditions

  • Historic Royal Palaces is seeking up to 20 photos for display. To be considered, photos should include a member of the Royal Family performing their public duties in Northern Ireland. We regret we cannot use photos of the Royal family taken off-duty.
  • We will only accept photos from people who are over 18.
  • Submissions can be made from outside of the UK and Ireland.
  • Photos selected for display will be shown in the exhibition at Hillsborough Castle.
  • Photographers must agree that their photo will be on display for the duration of the exhibition.
  • Each photographer’s first name and location will be shared in the public domain, to accompany their photo. This information will only be used by Historic Royal Palaces in the context of this exhibition.
  • Photos will only be accepted in JPEG format and must be no larger than 3MB.
  • Submissions will only be accepted from the person who has taken the photo or those with the express permission of the photographer. Photos should not infringe anyone’s rights.

Consent to share information

By submitting your information, you consent to the following terms:

  • You agree that Historic Royal Palaces is permitted to share your first name and photograph for display at Hillsborough Castle from 1 June 2023 to 31 December 2024.
  • You agree for your photograph to be used by Historic Royal Palaces as part of the on-site digital display, across any of Historic Royal Palace’s associated social media channels, in advertising and marketing or on the Historic Royal Palaces website, and provided to media for editorial use in relation to the Hillsborough Castle exhibition. You give your consent to this indefinitely.
  • You agree for Historic Royal Palaces to store your contact details and information until 31 January 2025 with the understanding that all contact will only be in relation to the Hillsborough Castle exhibition and evaluation.

For any questions relating to the exhibition or display of your photograph submission please email [email protected].