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Tower of London

School Visit Booking Request Form

Form guidelines

Complete this form to request a booking for a school visit to the Tower of London at the reduced education rate. Before filling in this form:

  • Consider the type of visit you would like to book, Self-led or an education session.
  • Check that the date you wish to book falls within our term dates.
  • If you are visiting over multiple days, please ensure you complete separate booking forms.

If you have questions and would like to enquire about a visit before submitting this request form, please contact the team at [email protected].

New for 2024/25 – We have introduced a maximum group size of 150 students per visit, if you wish to bring more students, please split them across multiple dates. If this is not possible, please contact us to discuss further.  

Contact details

Is your school part of an Academy Trust? *
Is your school based in Tower Hamlets? *
Do you have a purchase order number you would like us to add to your invoice? *

Group details

New for 2024/25 – We have introduced a maximum group size of 150 students per visit, if you wish to bring more students, please split them across multiple dates. If this is not possible, please contact us to discuss further.

Do you have any pupils/students who require 1:1 SEND support? *

Type of visit

Please choose the type of visit you would like to request below. Please note educational sessions come at an additional cost.

Request date of visit

Visits are available Monday – Friday during UK term time. Please provide 3 possible dates within term time for a visit. A member of the schools booking team will be in touch to let you know if the dates you select are unavailable. If booking education sessions, all dates requested must be at least 6 weeks away.

Request a session

Please note that each session has a maximum capacity and you might need to book more than one session if you are visiting with a large group. Consult the website to find out the maximum capacity for each session. For information on the sessions available at the Tower of London visit our Tower of London sessions page.

Request a 2nd session

Please note that each session has a maximum capacity and you might need to book more than one session if you are visiting with a large group. Consult the website to find out the maximum capacity for each session. For information on the sessions available at the Tower of London visit our Tower of London sessions page.

Terms and Conditions

Please ensure you have read our terms and conditions. For information on how we collect and manage your data see our customer promise and privacy policy.

By submitting this booking form, you are making a request for a booking to be made for your group. The visit should only be considered confirmed when a booking confirmation email and invoice is sent to you. This can take up to 10 days so please allow this time before contacting the team to check on progress. We work through requests in the date order they are received, and our response time will vary depending on how busy we are.

We may combine (non-personal) data about your school with information from the government's school census to understand more about the demographic profile of the schools visiting us. This helps us to develop our schools service to reach a wide range of schools.