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Online school sessions

Booking request form

Form guidelines

Complete the form below to request an online school session themed around Hillsborough Castle & Gardens. Before filling out this form:

  • Consider the online session you would like to book.
  • Check the dates are available on our session pages.
  • If you are requesting multiple sessions on different days, please ensure you complete separate booking forms.

While these sessions are open to schools from across the UK, please note they are specific to the Northern Ireland curriculum. 

If you have any questions and would like to enquire about a date before submitting this request form, please contact the team at [email protected].

Contact details

Do you have a purchase order you would like us to add to your invoice? *

Group details

Book your session

Online sessions are available on Fridays during UK term time only. Each session can accommodate a maximum of 32 pupils

Terms and conditions

Please ensure you have read our terms and conditions. For information on how we collect and manage your data see our customer promise and privacy policy.