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Kensington Palace

SEND visual story resources

About this learning resource

Format: Power Point Presentation

This SEND suite is made up of three resources to support students prior to a visit to Kensington Palace.

The first of these is a visual story. Teacher support notes and a Widgit symbol sheet are also included to explain this presentation and enable all students to access the visual story content.

National Curriculum links

• New experiences, social and emotional development within P-Level.
• Speaking and listening, significant historical events, people, and places in their locality within KS1 History.
• Speaking and listening, extending chronological knowledge beyond 1066 and a local history study within KS2 History.

Learning objectives

• Introduce key people who lived at the palace.
• Familiarise students with spaces and rooms.
• Highlight themes, busy spaces and who can help.

Resource Information

Key Stage

  • SEND


  • History


  • Victorians


  • Before you visit


  • Kensington Palace
back to Learning resources

Background information and activity ideas to use during a visit to Kensington Palace and back in the classroom

Key Stage

  • KS5 (age 16+)


  • Art & Design


  • Georgians

Contains two design briefs and related activities as part of a self-led research visit to the King’s State Apartments at Kensington Palace.

Key Stage

  • KS5 (age 16+)


  • Art & Design


  • Georgians

Dr Sally Tuckett, University of Glasgow, describes why the study of fashion and dress is so useful for social historians.

Key Stage

  • KS5 (age 16+)


  • Art & Design


  • Georgians