Online school session
about this session
Key stage 2 | Subject: History, English | Topics: Tudors | Session Type: Online session
Explore life at Tudor court through the eyes of trumpeter John Blanke.
This fun and interactive session gives children the opportunity to examine evidence to find out what it tells us, and what it doesn’t tell us, about this extraordinary Tudor; the first Black person in the UK to have an identifiable portrait. Children are introduced to simple primary source material and everyday historical terms as we explore why we are more familiar with some historical figures than others and why John Blanke’s legacy is so important.
Hear from John Blanke about key moments in his life and explore evidence to uncover hidden stories while learning all about the important role of a trumpeter in the court of Henry VIII.
This session features pre-recorded videos and is led by a skilled facilitator who can respond to your class. You will receive support to set up the technology needed ensuring a smooth and engaging session.
Learning objectives
Children will:
- Use historical source evidence to find out information about lesser known historical figures.
- Discover what life was like for a Tudor musician in the households of Henry VII and Henry VIII.
- Learn about the lives of people of diverse heritage in 16th Century Britain.
National Curriculum links
This session supports:
- Exploring a theme in British history that extends chronological knowledge beyond 1066.
- Understanding the methods of historical enquiry and how evidence is used to make historical claims.
- Understanding how knowledge of the past is constructed through sources.
Booking Information
09.30, 11.00, 13.30
Please allow 1 hour
35 students
Please read our risk assessment and the things we have considered to keep your students safe during an online learning session.
Browse more history and stories
Queen Victoria
From pampered princess to elderly empress: wife, mother and queen
Catherine Howard
A young woman whose marriage to Henry VIII would end in tragedy
Anne of Cleves
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