Creating Identity Using Nature Symbolism
About this learning resource
Format: PDF
Portrait artists of the Tudor era used nature symbolism as a form of coded language between sitter and viewer to promote a specific public image. This lesson pack examines the difference between public image and private identity. Students decode public personas in Tudor-era portraits. They will then explore, through self-portraiture incorporating nature symbols, their personal sense of self and how that supports self esteem.
National Curriculum links
- Create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas
- Learn about great artists, architects and designers in history
- Respecting self and others
Learning objectives
- Be able to describe how Nature symbols have been used by the artists to convey public and private messages about the sitters in Tudor-era portraiture
- Be able to explain the difference between Image (public) and Identity (private)
- Explore personal qualities, strengths, skills, traits, interests, concerns and ambitions
Resource Information
Key Stage
- KS2 (age 7-11)
- Art & Design
- History of Art
- Tudors
- Tower of London
Which Tudor monarch kept the most prisoners at the Tower of London?
Download an editable Tudor Kings and Queens Family Tree for Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5. Use key facts, activities and historic sources to explore King Henry VIII, his queens and his children.